Text, BED and a ‘holla’ shakin’ goin on



May 2, 2006 – It started out as a simple fling through text then a party @ BED in Malate. We agreed to have a date on that night but it turns out that one scenario leads to another. It’s just like a plot line in Melrose Place where the next question is ‘who’s kissing whom and who will be the next’.


I guess it’s just a battle of the gay sexes and promiscuity since I am also guilty of dancing and kissing another guy right on the same night so I must admit… I deserve to be metaphorically ‘fucked’ by this person. Thought it was the end, but it turns out that on the next gimmick night, we were the same couple who ends up in one BED. Irony of life…


Houston, we have a problem…’


Now as I enter ‘Lover Ville’, with a speck of hope in my pocket and ‘hoping-he-wouldn’t-fuck-my-heart’ prayer book, I took the chance and enter the M.U. stage but with a much better description. (Since my object of affection has bestowed the ‘no-love-for friends’ policy, I might as well try another green pasture to tend)


Ken and I are still getting to know each other and playing the ‘poker for couples’ and I’m sitting once again on the poker table…. for the N’th time. With our hearts as token, our brains as the back-up plan and I’m risking another chapter of my lousy biography just to find that person which will complete my puzzle.


Can’t say much about how I feel but this is the next logical thing I’m willing to take. (Well I don’t want to loose another friend isn’t it?)


Ken…for whatever it is worth (and if you will ever read this post)…


I’m willing to take the walk. We are both on the same boat and I’m willing take these leap and work things out. I have nothing to hide. I don’t have excess baggage nor committed to anyone but I’m more than willing to take the journey…


‘Then the old man at the jurors stand screams

‘Dead man walking….dead man walking’


– A scene in Dead Man Walking starring Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn

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